The Danish law does not have any Romeo and Juliet clause. That means that the full burden of possesing child porn and even distributing the video will hit the teenagers hard.
It is estimated that the 1,004 is not the final number because the video was shared using Facebook messenger and that means that even teenagers who just received in and deleted it right away when they realised that it was porn will be charged and as the law is convicted of possesion.
The present laws in Denmark leave no loophole. The laws were written before computers became something ordiary. A photo or a video is the same regardless whether it is on paper or on the screen. Once you your equipment has received the video, you are guilty regardless of what you do!
So it is important that Danish teenagers who consider a future as an exchange student not to own any devices which could bring their future plans in danger.
Some claim that the teenager could have reported the video to the police but then they would have lost their computers while the investigation went on which in Denmark takes years (The video is from 2015) and that would cost them their future in the education system where most work are done on computer. Secondary many lives in part of Denmark where the daily law enforcement are conducted by youth gangs while the police protect the danish border.
The gang war in 2017 was stopped entirely without the involvement of the police proving that the lawenforcement in parts of Copenhagen have been outsourced to private enterprises.
The advice to future Danish exchange students are simple. Do not have smartphones! Do not keep social accounts on major networks who uses electronic software to monitor photos. The wrong message can stop your future plans!!